Now available at Amazon & Bol.com!

Lucy and the
stone of life
After the Hundred Years War, people were beaten, exhausted. They might have won the battle, but it felt like they had lost the war. If only they knew this was going to be the cost for winning, then surely they would’ve thought twice.The entire kingdom of Eudolyria…
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Do you want a special gift for a loved one or a good friend?
Show your thoughtfulness?
Give them a poem!
Get your message across in a creative way!
All you have to do is give me some descriptions of what you’re looking for, and I’ll write you an original custom made piece of literature typed out on my typewriter.
Available from august!

*To ensure I execute what you’re trying to convey best, I’ve made a custom poetry questionnaire which will be send to you by email to fill out by check out. This way we’re on the same wave length! You will receive a digital file of the poem as well, so in case something ever happens you always got a copy 😉 *P.S Please allow for 2-3 weeks for writing, creating and packaging

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About the author
Max Asbeek Brusse (1997) is a poet, writer and musician from The Netherlands. His poetry journey started when he turned 15. In a movie, he saw a few poems of Charles Bukowski and fell in love with how words could seize a form of liberty if it was written in the form of poetry.
Now 10 years later he has got some experience under his belt and is a published author. Writer of 2 books. His children’s fantasy book
Lucy and the stone of life and recently published Hand me the entire jar his debut Poetry book.
Besides his solo endeavors he has also Co-written in Perspective to pen an anthology, where all proceeds went to Amnesty International. Submitted poems to The Scissortail Quarterly 4 & 6 and much more.
- The dream gods Volume 1
- The Theoretical Tiger Society - by Brian Fuchs

Let's be pen-pals!
Send me letters to my p.o. box & exchange thoughts like the good old days.
Box A2393
Postbus 9518
4801LM Breda

Box A2393
Postbus 35002
3005DA Rotterdam
Box A2393
Postbus 24004
3502MA Utrecht
The Left Handed Writer Newsletter

No spam, an original poem a week + thoughts of the week!
For contact, please send an email to maxthelefthandedwriter@gmail.com